IT Service Management: How Businesses Benefit From the ITIL Standards

Information Technology
3 min readMay 22, 2021


In this time of Big Data, we must depend on organizational systems to understand complex undertakings, such as IT service management. Successful IT service management requires a consistent set of universal service standards. The ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) standards are the paramount set of guidelines in the IT world.

These standards are expressed through five core guides. All IT service management features are addressed in these five volumes — from understanding every business’ IT requirements to building networks and carrying out service to perpetual system development and maintenance. CFIOs and other company leaders will realize the following benefits by adhering to the ITIL standards.

1. Enhanced IT Service

The first step in following ITIL standards is to create an up-to-date service catalog, listing the tasks currently handled by the IT department or vendor. This documentation of ITSM (IT Service Management) procedures is then compared with the ITIL guides’ recommendations. This helps IT service management professionals understand where systems could be improved. The ITSM records also give a starting point for the configuration management database, a directory of the technology needed for each IT service management duty, another tool for evaluating and improving IT ROI.

In a nutshell, any IT network will almost indubitably improve as ITIL standards are implemented. The ITIL library, at its core, is a gauge for assessing one’s current IT management.

2. Productivity Boost

Similarly, by following ITIL guidelines, your firm’s global efficiency will increase. Just consider all the hours you and your workers spend twiddling your thumbs, waiting for technology to function right. Usually, this lost time is caused by an inconsistent, piecemeal method of developing IT infrastructure. Originally, when founding a company, few business leaders think to receive a consistent IT network. Instead, they usually contribute personal machines to the company or add a new piece of hardware because it’s on basement blowout clearance or chooses the most express (rather than the best) software fix. Such approaches are no more extra than stopgap, temporary solutions that actually hinder the overall IT system’s performance in the long run.

On the other hand, IT service management guided by ITIL standards often demands increased up-front investment and delivers superior long-term results — i.e., reliably functional computer networks.

The benefits increase as time moves on since ITIL rules also speak to continual maintenance. The ITIL guidelines will provide your IT service management expert with the understanding of how to retain everything working well regardless of which glitzy new technologies develop. One instance of this perpetual maintenance approach: ITIL guidelines recommend 24-hour monitoring so that any system hiccups can be directly addressed.

3. Lowered Overall Prices & Improved IT Service Management ROI

IT departments’ prices are often thrown at putting out fires, preferably than investing in ongoing innovation and development. Inefficient systems often create so many difficulties that IT workers can do little more than hope to keep up. Furthermore, even non-IT employees feel their time is not forever spent efficiently due to technological limitations. For instance, a certain responsibility force requires two steps, whereas it would only take one step with more modern technology. In this and countless other circumstances, ITIL management decreases costs by establishing IT consistency throughout a company. This, in turn, creates an advanced ROI for the IT service management team.

