How to Transition from Break/Fix to Managed-services: Which Path is Right for You?

Information Technology
4 min readMar 5, 2021


The benefits of Providing managed IT services are relatively well-established. Thus have the drawbacks of providing break/fix support. But it doesn’t mean building a complete transition into managed companies can be an easy process, so it is something that, on average, happens immediately.

Each MSP’s route is different, and there can Often Be Several pit Stops along the way. Much depends upon your clients, of class — their demographics, the character of their IT environments, their precise requirements, their receptiveness to modify, etc. — but the next reflects some of the most common tracks.

Starting Line: Break/Fix Service

There Are several drawbacks to the break/fix version. However, perhaps the most grotesque is all of the ways it forces aid suppliers to concede control. Customers dictate when the job becomes done (an average of after having a fire has broken out), and also what gets completed (what’s the fastest, most economical option that’ll carry things above for now?). As an outcome, it’s rare if you have to get such a thing outside supplying a short-term remedy to the latest emergency du jour.

With Handled providers, your job is different. Clients buy into the thought that you are the best individual to decide what work needs to be achieved to maintain everything running efficiently. You’re not just confined by setting out fires, but you are given a permit to make the system more flame resistant. Not only is that advantageous to your client, it is helpful for the well-being, also.

A common refrain we hear Out of MSPs who have left the turn into managed services may be the sole sorrow they have is do this sooner. Instead of becoming bogged down with thankless, low-paying work and flinching whenever the phone rings over the weekend, they deal with managed-services customers who consider these to function as authentic partners. They genuinely are accomplishing a more rewarding and fulfilling focus on their terms. They are more joyful and also their business does excellent.

Hint #1: “Almost” Managed-services

If Handled services are a foreign nation, one method to ease clients into it is by presenting to handle their anti-virus software (AV). Perhaps not merely can many customers (ideally ) currently understand the need for AV; they’re also familiar with paying it about per month, per device foundation (which puts you up nicely).

Let Clients know that, as a bonus, as you will be including additional monitoring by installing your RMM agent alongside the AV. For those who own a bundle deal with your RMM seller that includes discounted AV (ex: NinjaRMM bundled with Webroot or even Bitdefender) afterward, you might be in a position to present that tracking at no cost and make a decent margin. Consider it for a freemium offering. You’re having to prove price and receive customers hooked.

With your RMM is set up, you Can immediately start identifying proactive maintenance chances and pitching them to your customer. Also, this is where a block-time agreement — at which you market cubes of service period and energy to a customer upfront — can help speed things together. Clients usually do not always need to pay for care; however, when they have already paid for your time, they tend to be much more receptive.

It Lays some excellent preparation for shifting to managed providers. Position a failing hard drive? Avoid a noodle or two? Now you are making the case that a proactive agency may spare your client downtime, headaches, and money. You may well be amazed how quickly they begin watching the lighting.

Course Number 2: Managed-services

If You’re beginning out using brand new clients or dealing with more open clients minded to transitioning, you may choose to leap right in using a core managed services that offer. For many MSPs, this comprises a fundamental combination of managed AV, backup, and anti-virus alternatives, together with remote tracking and proactive desktop/server/network care. All supplied for one month-to-month speed, priced per user (recommended) or apparatus.

The Huge Difference between this And phase 3 (fixed fee managed-services ) will be your scope of the support contained. This added support can pay maintenance (that is the way Karl Palachuk urges ). Unlike fixed fee / all you can eat help (AYCE), it may well not contain leveling, moves, or improvements that can be charged independently (preferably using block-time charging ). After-hours service may be out of the agreement, too.

Hint: When it’s possible, employ instruments (AV, backup, etc.) That integrates with your RMM. That cuts down on screens and provides you one pane of glass to manage everything. Your RMM vendor can also offer you discounted favor alternatives that may be far less expensive than buying solutions a la carte.

Course Number 3: Fixed Fee AYCE Managed Services

Ordinarily, each support and service is supplied to get a set month-to-month price under a fixed fee arrangement. We state broadly speaking as while providing customers with genuinely comprehensive and unlimited 24x7x365 all-you-can-eat (AYCE) support is one particular choice; you might still opt to provide some parameters in your SLA.

Even the Benefit to your customer is they only have one quantity they need to be concerned about, and so they could rest assured you’re focusing on the others. Your end’s advantages include a regular injection of recurring earnings together with additional autonomy and get a handle on.

Hint #4: Advanced/Niche Managed-services

Just as MSP markets become much more crowded and competitive, the ability to provide Specialized services outside the fundamentals (AV, backup, firewall, observation, Proactive servicing ) helps you distinguish yourself and move up the economy To more significant, more successful customers. Some skilled services are in greater Demand than many of the others. Security and DevOps abilities are currently just two of these Hottest.

